Saint Gerard Staff

XXIX Domingo ordinario

Primera lectura Is 45, 1. 4-6 Así habló el Señor a Ciro, su ungido,a quien ha tomado de la manopara someter ante él a las nacionesy desbaratar la potencia de los reyes,para abrir ante él los portonesy que no quede nada cerrado:“Por amor a Jacob, mi siervo, y a Israel, mi escogido,te llamé por tu […]

XXIX Domingo ordinario Read More »

Oct. 15, 2020

Liturgy Committee: Oct 15, 2020. Attendance: Ken Shuping Jose Arce Paula Carreon Soledad Espana Isabel Booth Paul English Isaura Munoz 7:00 pm – Opening prayer 7:02 pm – November 1st we celebrate all Saints. On November 2nd we will celebrate all Souls, two Masses 11:00 am English, 6:30 pm Spanish. We will ask parishioners to

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Oct 8, 2020

Parish Council Meeting: October 8, 2020 Attendance: Ken Shuping Jose Arce Paul English Lucy Portzer Amos Etilo James Brown Abraham 6:30 pm – Call to order 6:45 pm – Opening prayer (Bicentennial Prayer) 6:47 pm – welcome and thank you to those attending. 6:48 pm – the renovations in the restrooms in the commons is

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Sept 24, 2020

Saint Gerard Catholic Church Meeting of Finance Council September 24, 2020 Location: Offices of Saint Gerard Catholic Church 809 Orange Avenue, NW Roanoke, Virginia Attendance: Finance Council Members: Present: Karen Wray, Chair, Dan Callaghan, Secretary Absent: Cleo Sims, Victoria Brown, Armando Jerez, Myriam Jerez, Abraham Ngemdahimana Other Attendees: Fr. Ken Shuping (Pastor), Fr. Jose Arce

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