Other Ways to Give

Special “Christmas gifts” to the parish completed by December 31 offer the potential for significant tax savings.  Please discuss tax planning with your financial advisor, accountant, or attorney.  All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Where Can I Direct My Gift?

Our weekly offertory collection is the primary income of our parish.  You can give your gift online (https://pay.xpress-pay.com/org/C27750EF126E48F) or in-person at Mass.

Also, we have the St. Gerard Building Fund at the Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond, to which you can designate your gift.  This fund will support possible future expansion projects or new property acquisition.  To contribute directly to this fund, you may:

  • Make a check payable to the “Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond”, with the memo line “St. Gerard Building Fund (#187)”.
  • Donate online at https://www.givecentral.org/richmondccf.  Select the box marked “Parish & School Endowment”, and select “St. Gerard Catholic Church Building Fund (#187)” from the drop-down menu.

What Can I Give?

  • Cash or check.
  • Funds from your bank account or credit card through Online Giving (https://pay.xpress-pay.com/org/C27750EF126E48F).
  • Securities: Gifts of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds that have increased in value during your ownership can result in tax savings.  (If your portfolio has incurred losses, you can use those losses to reduce your taxable income.)
  • Gifts of other assets: Wills, life insurance policies, real estate, retirement accounts, charitable trusts, and other estate planning vehicles may offer special ways for you to leave a lasting legacy to our parish.
  • If you are 70 1/2 or older, consider the significant tax benefits of the Qualified Charitable Deduction as part of your qualified retirement account’s Required Minimum Distribution.

How Can I Give?

  • Drop your checks or cash donations in the offertory basket at Mass.
  • Mail or deliver your donation to the parish office.
  • Give through Online Giving at any time using your bank account or credit card.  One-time or recurring gifts can be set up here (https://pay.xpress-pay.com/org/C27750EF126E48F).
  • Complete electronic stock transfer through your financial advisor.
  • Set up a recurring gift to benefit St. Gerard through your “automatic bill pay” feature at your bank or credit union.
  • Remember St. Gerard in your legacy planning or will.